commatec. This is us.

As a service provider for technical documentation, we explain what your machine can do. Even with complex processes, we describe the optimal use of your product step by step.

Wir sind Ihr Dienstleister für Technische Dokumentation.

Your service provider for technical documentation.

Commatec is backed by decades of experience as a service provider for technical documentation. Since the 1990s, we have been creating operating instructions and instruction of use for our customers in medical technology, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.

With enthusiasm.

We support you when you lack the time and personnel to professionally create your technical documentation. As a service provider, we absorb the notorious peak loads for you.

This is what we stand for.

  • We simply love technology.

    We are excited about the new things our customers develop. We are professionals in explaining complex content in a simple, understandable, target group-oriented and legally compliant way.

  • Familiar.

    We have a flat hierarchy. Our communication channels are short and fast. And we like to share our good working atmosphere with our customers.

  • Flexible.

    We adapt to your framework conditions and maintain clear communication. Flexible working hours enable us and you to reconcile work, free time and family.

  • Personal.

    We are interested in people. With us, you will always have a direct contact person. Working as a team and with you, we find solutions to the problems of the world of technical documentation for your target group.

Our team for your projects.

As a team we work on your projects in a homely old building in the center of Giessen. Europe-wide. Optionally, we come to you on site when we need information about your latest technology.


Founder & Engineer & Organizer


Founder & Engineer & Caretaker


Founder & Engineer & Tinkerer


Business Administration


Technical Illustrator


Technical Editor & Media Designer


Technical Editor


Technical Editor & Photographer & Videographer


Technical Editor


Technical Editor


Technical Editor


Technical Editor


Master Student Technical Editing

There is also room for you here.

Fancy becoming part of our team?

Our network. Together for you.

We rely on strong partners & memberships.

Our story.